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Creating a garden

410629 | Last updated: August 2, 2024

Over the past two decades, I have maintained a personal website. Looking back, ten-year-old me would have found that an incredibly long time, and honestly, I still somewhat agree. For most of its existence, it has been a basic landing page with a single paragraph introducing myself and my work. This straightforward format served me well, providing a destination for visitors and a hub for essential contact information. It also allowed me to experiment with personal branding.

However, since transitioning to full-time freelancing in February and driven by a desire to create my own “digital garden,” I feel it’s time to expand this site into something more. As a stereotypical Capricorn who prefers observation to participation, I often find myself misunderstood. My hope is that by showcasing my work and interests here, I can open doors to opportunities that are currently hidden from view.

Expect a mess

Don’t expect this site to be highly currated with lots of polish—I don’t like that shit. I want to ditch the clean, picture-perfect Instagram world and get real. I want to share works-in-progress, those unfinished ideas that might not make sense right away. Life isn’t always neat and tidy, so why should our online presence be?

In fact, I think Lu Wilson (aka TodePond) said it best…

Screenshot of a Mastodon post by Lu Wilson

A Mastodon post by TodePond

Forget about the traditional idea of life being a straight line with a set end goal. Growth and change happen when things come together in the right way—that’s awesome. Why not share our present moments as they come with people who want to see them? Some of the coolest stuff I’ve seen online started as someone’s random thought or project. Let’s embrace being real and honest. By showing our unpolished, imperfect selves, we can connect on a deeper level and celebrate how diverse human experiences are. Let’s make our online culture more inclusive and vibrant by embracing the messy, imperfect reality of life!