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Still working out how I want to display my work here, but for now I’m just listing out some of the most recent projects I’ve worked on. These could be through employers, contracts, or personal projects. To see a small visual sample of some of my work, you can check out this interim collection.

Name Client Role Year Technology
Sketchpad Designer, Developer 2024 HTMLCSSJavaScriptp5.js
Krait Designer, Developer 2024 JavaScriptNode.js
1Password Website 1Password Tech Lead 2024 ContenfulNext.jsTailwindNetlify
Wordflo App Wordcab Software Engineer 2023 –> 2024 HTMLCSSJavaScript
Scout Designer, Developer 2023 –> Present NodeMIDI
Wordcab Components Wordcab Frontend Developer 2022 –> 2023 HTMLCSSJavaScript
Wordcab Redesign Wordcab Frontend Developer 2022 HTMLCSSJavaScript
Clinician Portal Axuall Senior Frontend Engineer 2021 –> 2024 HTMLCSSJavaScriptVue.jsPython
Holder App Axuall Senior Frontend Engineer 2021 –> 2024 HTMLCSSJavaScriptVue.jsPython
Infinity Fixture App Harbor Retail Software Engineer 2019 HTMLCSSJavaScriptVue.jsCordova
NationBuilder NationBuilder UI Engineer 2018 –> 2021 Ruby on RailsReact.jsHTMLSCSS
Radius NationBuilder UI Engineer 2018 –> 2021 HTML/LiquidSCSSJavaScriptRuby on Rails
Sparks Belting Website Sparks Belting Designer, Developer 2017 HTMLSCSSJavaScriptPHPCraft CMSMySQL
Shadowtackle Artist 2017 –> Present OrcaNode.js
Amway Experiences Amway Software Developer 2016 HTMLSCSSVue.jsElectron
Ferris Coffee Website Ferris Coffee Designer, Developer 2015 HTMLSCSSJavaScriptPHPCraft CMSMySQL